139 Maple Row Blvd., Suite 208, Hendersonville, TN 37075
Cosmetology Program
Cosmetology Program
1500 Clock Hours
1500 Clock Hours
Cosmetology Program
Cosmetology Program
Our Cosmetology Program is 1500 clock hours in length. The program is designed to include instruction in both theory and practical experience. The program will include all the basic principles of haircutting, hair coloring, hair styling, hair relaxing, manicuring, pedicuring, skin care, sanitation, state law, chemistry, anatomy, business management with an extra emphasis on salon ethics and professionalism.
Our goal is to educate our students to pass the required state board exam and to obtain gainful employment in the field of Cosmetology. We will demonstrate and encourage professional behavior within the beauty industry. To not only but also to inspire creativity and to provide a professional example to follow.
Our teaching methods will include a variety of techniques such as; demonstrations, lectures, DVD presentations, presentations, classroom discussions, textbook and practical assignments, guest speakers, field trips, industry trade shows, individual and group activities such as projects and competitions.
UNITS OF INSTRUCTION: More Details located in Catalog
GENERAL 300 Clock Hours: Sterilization, sanitation and bacteriology, anatomy and physiology, shop
ethics, personality and salesmanship, and state law.
CHEMICAL 600 Clock Hours: Permanent waves, hair relaxing, hair coloring, bleaching, and toning, sculptured nails, and chemistry.
PHYSICAL 600 Clock Hours: Shampooing and rinses, hair and scalp care, hair shaping, hairdressing
and styling, facials, arching, lash and brow tinting, manicures pedicures.
If you want to know it all, like how many times you have to shampoo hair and give a facial, then check out the full Cosmetology Program Outline!
Cosmetology Program Outline
Requirements for Licensing are:
Cosmetology: 1500 Clock Hours
After successfully graduating from Image Maker, you will then be required to take the TN State Board of Cosmetology Licensing Exam. This exam is two parts and each part is given on a separate day. The first part is the Theory part of the exam, this is the written exam. The written exam must be passed before you are allowed to proceed to the second part. The second part is the Practical Exam (hands-on demonstrations of your skills). Each part of the exam is $70. Therefore, it should cost $140 to take both parts of your State Board exam, provided you don't have to take it twice. SO STUDY and don't be nervous! You know this stuff!
The Testing Center that will administer your State Board Exam is PSI.
For more information concerning the Cosmetology State Board Exam:
Once Both Written and Practical exams are passed, you then apply for your state license. Once you pass both tests and apply for your license, you can then start to work in a salon.
In order to work, you must post both passing exam results along with a copy of your application for your license and a copy of the receipt. This will work until your license arrives. YAY, go make some money!