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How TO Enroll

It's Back to School You Go...

WOW, ENrolling is easy...

* Download and Read this First *

Save or Print this School Catalog for your records.

School Catalog

March 2022 Edition

 Enrollment forms

Click, Print, and Complete  

Steps to Enrolling

Zachary Wright

Graduated 2018


1. Gather your required paperwork.

* High School Transcript / GED

* Proof of age: Drivers License or Birth Certificate

2. Call Crystal

at 615-822-6141 or 615-822-6162 to make an appointment, or you can just stop by!

3. Download & Complete Forms

If you want a head start, you can download the forms above. Fill them out and bring them with you when you come to see us.

4. Think about Financing

If you are interested in Financial Aid, see our Financial Aid Page for instructions.

Classes Start the First

Monday and Wednesday

of Each Month 

Go For It 

You don't always get

what you wish for,


We know you have lots of Questions. Call, we can help.

Call 822-6141

Dreams are not what you see in your sleep, it is the thing that doesn't let you sleep...

Rating - Click for BBB Review

Classes Begin Each Month

Call for Schedule Details

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